About Me


About Me

My name is Miriam Atkinson and I am a Freelance Writer.

I have a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing and an MA in Creative Writing.

Since I was young I have always been fascinated by creative writing. In particular I am drawn to novel writing and all things fantasy and science-fiction related.

I am always searching for new opportunities to apply my writing skills whether it is for work or for personal projects (I will finish writing that novel one day I swear!)

About the Lair of Reviews

The idea for a blog came in June 2020 when I was looking for a way to showcase examples of my writing.

After I had finally decided on a name for the blog and gained a basic understanding on how to create a website, I spent the next six months editing and uploading reviews I had previously written for New Writing North’s now-obsolete magazine ‘Cuckoo Review’.

I realised I quite enjoyed writing reviews and set about transforming my original blog into a website I could be proud of. The pages of ‘Novels’, ‘Films’, and ‘Theatre’ were created and nine genre pages were also added.

Since the start of 2021 I have continually written new reviews for my website. I periodically update and improve the various pages on the site in order to better display and categorise the reviews.

This has led to my becoming a volunteer reviewer for Reedsy Discovery and having the opportunity to get to know several independent authors. You are all amazing!

All of the reviews in the lair are my own opinion. Some will be positive, some will be mixed and a very few will be negative. Everyone is different and everyone likes different things. I can promise that all of the reviews will be fair and (hopefully) enjoyable to read.

Special Thanks…

Chris White

A massive thank you to Chris White for creating the incredible logo for the website.

Chris White is an artist based in the North-East of England. To see more of his work head over to:

Instagram: @niskratus

Twitter: @niskratus

Red Bubble: Niskratus-Art.redbubble.com

Rowena Byass

A huge thank you to Rowena Byass for creating the stunning main image for the homepage.

Rowena Byass is a freelance artist based in the North-East of England. To see more of her work check out:

Twitter: @summerslushie

Etsy: @SummerslushieStudios

Instagram: @rowenaebee

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